A Review of ‘Love! Live Dangerously! And have Fun! By Catherine Khoo’

Why you should read the book?

Catherine Khoo is the author of ‘Love! Live Dangerously! And have Fun!’ Her life has been rather eventful, with many ups and downs. Her story is very inspirational and what is particularly impressive is how she managed to overcome her setbacks and still have the zest for life in her 50s. Catherine is married and has 3 lovely daughters. She even had the chance to meet the Dalai Lama at age 48. Now, she runs her own business ‘The Unique Classroom’ and the Young Author Scheme. The motivation behind those businesses was largely to bring local literature to children and cultivate the habit of reading and writing in them.

To her, life is meant to be lived to the fullest. It also means not living based on others’ expectations. It is heartening to note that she possesses a keen sense for life and the desire to seek adventure (like the hot-air balloon ride). The book gives an honest account of some of her memorable life experiences and the valuable lessons that can be drawn from them. For instance, the major theme of the book is to be grateful and contented with what you have and not forgetting to seek adventure and learn whenever possible. Having strong and healthy relationships are also her key to being so enthusiastic about life.

Who is this book meant for?

According to Catherine, this book is meant for anyone. Singles or married couples, young or old, students or working adults can all learn invaluable lessons from the book. Some of the experiences are also relatable and might happen to any ordinary person on the street. Couples with kids might find the part on how she took care of her 3 daughters useful. Those experiencing relationship trouble can also learn from how she dealt with her sister-in-laws and husband.

What is the book like?

The book is structured into 18 short chapters, each comprising of an average of 7 pages in length. The book is 136 pages long, excluding the 4 short love stories at the end. At ordinary reading pace, it should take no more than 3 hours to complete the book. Each chapter is a learning lesson on its own and contains anecdotes/stories to illustrate her point. The content is easily understood and digestible and the writing is executed in a concise manner.

What can I learn from the book?

There are many key lessons that can be learnt from the book. Her life events are meaningful and Catherine always practiced self-reflection to learn from them. For instance, readers will learn about her parenting style, how she dealt with sisters-in-law and husband, her adventures overseas, her encounter with the Dalai Lama etc. Also, readers will be able to appreciate her motivation for setting up her company. Towards the end of the book, she highlights the importance of being true to yourself, setting goals and living life the way you think it should be led.

What I found particularly inspiring was how she managed to live by her principles and stay positive in the face of adversity. She tries her best not to be living someone else’s life so as to please them and make her daughters happy etc. In a hectic city like Singapore’s, it is rare to see someone trying to live more simply so as to appreciate the simpler pleasures in life.

Listed below is a summary of the key insights of the book. The words in (brackets) are my interpretation of each chapter.

Be grateful and appreciative for what you have (do not lose that sense of childhood curiosity); If you don’t try, you will never know (don’t be afraid to approach an attractive person); It’s not what you look at, it’s what you see that matters (try and think about the motivation behind an act); If you want to be happy, no one can stop you (you decide how positive you want to be); Look within yourself (ask yourself whether you are living by your values); Life is a daring adventure…Live it to the fullest (live your dream); Set your own expectations of yourself (self-awareness and be yourself); It is always darkest before the day dawns (always look forward to something better); Give your children roots, give them wings too! (Let them explore); Take it one step at a time (Good things take time); Live a Life that Transcends your own (Give warmth and affection); Listen to the dreams of the young (Do not be afraid of new opportunities); Always find time for yourself (Practice self-reflection); If it is up to be, it is up to me! (You have the power to change things); Those who know enough is enough, will always have enough (Learn to be contented); Happy ever after? It’s no fairy tale (Life is full of ups and downs); 5 things before I turn 55 (Goal setting); Telling your story. My way (Everyone is unique in their own way)

Luminate by Jun Mi Tan

Entrepreneurship is a journey with many ups and downs. It is possible to an entrepreneur in an MNCs if you start new initiatives. Learn to find yourself. This book is largely about success, entrepreneurship and how to live life to the fullest.

Jun Mi is an ordinary person with big dreams. Jun Mi cultivated the habit of reading and had the dream of writing a book. In addition to attending many courses and networking, she owns her own company that provides corporate secretariat services etc. Her motivation for writing this book is so that she can inspire others on their journey.

Curiosity is the key to learning. Devote 100% to everything you do and the rewards will come. Later on in her career, she pursued professional qualifications in the areas of tax, trust, estate planning and compliance. This was after close to 11 years working in other companies in the corporate secretariat field. Learn to step outside your comfort zone. Greet opportunities with a smile and embrace them. Enjoy the process and always find ways to value add.

She wanted to venture on her own after a while. After much thinking, she chose a business that she was familiar with. This allowed her to achieve better work-life balance. What you do on a daily basis is a good indicator of what your future venture is. Learn to think win-win and add value to others. It is never an easy route but there are workshops that one can go for to aid you on your journey to starting a business. There are 3 phases of entrepreneurship. The basic phase is filled with negative emotions but there is a need to stay positive. The Advanced phase is when you need to network to promote your business. Always look out for such opportunities. The Mastery phase is when your business is able to operate without your constant supervision.

Dreams die if they are not worked on. Start writing a list down and tell someone about it so that you will remain accountable to them. Treat yourself when you achieve. Keep practicing. Take considerable time to design measurable goals. Learn to keep a journal as well. Construct your own dream board if you are lost.

You do not need to be successful only when you have attained your goal. It isn’t difficult to be successful. It is just how positive your mindset is. Being alive can be rewarding as well. Choose a positive affirmation and tell others. It takes 22 days for a habit. Stay positive. Listen to both negative and positive feedback. The author’s definition of success are (1) Doing what I love, and loving what I do; (2) Achieving the goals I wrote down at the beginning of the year; (3) Helping others; (4) Being happy; (5) Learning new things; (6) Accepting mistakes; (7) Pressing on.

Use the words ‘wish’; ‘desire’; ‘intend’; ‘passionate’. The ability to speak in public confidently is a life-long skill. Conquer your fear. Understand where your audience is coming from and what they would like to hear. Give eye contact. It requires a lot of practice and don’t expect results overnight. Be the best person you can be. You can share better with others if you can speak well. Use your chances at presentation wisely.

Networking could be more important than money. Learn to sell yourself. Know what your intentions are. Try to serve and help others first and listen well. Be authentic and true to yourself. Learn to remember something about the other person. Organize future meet-ups to strengthen the relationship. Support the person by buying their products or services.

She took up the challenge of organizing a huge seminar. There are plenty of logistics to take care of. However, the book breaks it down into meaningful steps. The more responsibility you take, the more opportunities will be presented to you. It is great when you see those you have helped eventually succeed. Learn and stay humble.

Learn the art of collaboration or ‘win-win’. Everyone still gets a slice of the pie. Synergy is formed if the group is larger and more ideas come together. Integrity is also very important for successful collaboration. Learn to pull resources together. Look out for people to partner with. Align your values with those you are working with. Give each other feedback and track progress. Try not to compete with others unnecessarily.

Know thyself. It is always better to have a direction in life and to know what you want. She learnt about metaphysics, which is non-religious in nature. There are many similar courses available. Learn to maximize on your strengths instead of putting all your energies on improving your weaknesses. Who are you? You are responsible for your own happiness. Try to only work on things you have control over. Once you surround yourself with the right people, success will come. Treat yourself well.

Learning is great because you can apply some of what you learn. Time management is crucial. Find time to do the things you like. Try to volunteer at the event or look for sponsors. If you do not have the money to attend courses, keep reading. Aim to complete a book every month. Share the knowledge to others. Always believe in lifelong learning. Teaching is also a deeper form of learning. Try to apply what you have learnt immediately. Invest in education to spark that urge in learning.

Learn to serve others. Help those who are less fortunate. Give from your heart and you don’t need permission for doing that. Donate to a worthy cause. You can give money, food and clothes, time, skill etc. Voluntary work helps people develop compassion. Share your good deeds with others so as to inspire others. It is alright to be a quiet giver too. Be reciprocal in giving.

Be clear about your purpose in life. Plan ahead but be flexible as well. Start doing more of the things you like. Have faith and belief in whatever you do. Stay positive.

3 Recommended Reads: 1) The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle; 2) Start with Why by Simon Sinek; 3) The Secret by Rhonde Byrne
