Just Ask the Universe by Michael Samuels

A No-Nonsense Guide to Manifesting Your Dreams

Intro. This is a guide to personal development. It is a blue-print for self-growth and self-improvement. You can have anything, all you need is to ask. I have read many books in my life. You can achieve your dreams. All you have to do is to ask the Universe.

If your thoughts are clear and in harmony with your mind and the truth of your surroundings, your life can be filled with all the richness the Universe has to offer. – Michael Samuels

Getting Here. Most people feel the Universe isn’t helping them. It is at your beck and call. The Universe can give you anything you want. However, you must follow certain rules. At first, I believed people relied on luck to be successful. What made successful people different from me? It turns out that rich people have control over their minds. I bought the Anthony Robbin’s Personal Power program. It was revolutionary and awoke me. I penned down all my goals. I learnt about the value of life and adopted a positive mental attitude. After receiving 1 million dollars won’t make you happy. The key is that it’s who you become as a person that matters. Rich people need not necessarily be happy people. Many years later, I realized that I achieved most of my goals. My wife and I were the perfect match. I was a big fan of self-improvement and kept reading more of it. Positive thoughts will attract other positive thoughts. In conclusion, the Universe is at your command every single second of the day. Life is about realizing your dreams.

Action is the real measure of intelligence. – Napoleon Hill

Meet the Universe. The Universe is omnipresent and is everywhere. It flows through you and you are a part of it. It is perpetual in nature and it knows everything. You shouldn’t over analyze and just have faith that it will help you. Hence, it is not worth your time trying to analyze how the Universe works.

The Connection. There is both the conscious and unconscious mind. Your conscious mind is the one you use for thinking. Your unconscious mind takes orders from your conscious one. It is your unconscious mind that works with the Universe. It is impartial and will not question your thoughts. You must ask for things in the correct order. You cannot think convoluted thoughts and you must think clear thoughts. You must want a specific and clear-cut goal. You must set a timeline for your goal. Your thought is the seed and the foundation. Nourish your seed so that it can grow. Learn to clean up your garden. Do not let pessimism destroy you. Do not let depressing thoughts hold you back. It takes time to see results.

You can build radiant health, success and happiness by the thoughts you think in the hidden studio of your mind. – Joseph Murphy

Two Big No-No’s. You can’t use this book to feed your dirty deeds. The first no-no is when you want something bad to happen to someone else. You must only ask for great and positive things. Do not be mean or derogatory. The Universe stores everything you say. Things will hit you back with boomerang precision. Let to forgive others. The second no-no is to never wish to take something away from someone else. Moral of the story is to avoid using the Universe to do your dirty work.

Your Subconscious Wish List. Write down your thoughts. Write down an ‘I want’ list. Write down everything. Be ambitious. However, do not daydream. Write down the details of the new car you want. Please include more details. It is all in the details. List out your travel destinations etc. Do not complain to the Universe about your troubles. Be gracious in your current job even if you currently hate it. Next, write your ‘gratefully received it’ list. These are your current accomplishments in life. Write down only the positive things that have happened to you. The Universe has already been working for you when you were young.

Reduce your plan to writing. The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire. – Napoleon Hill

Conversations with Your Best Friend. Learn to release the powers of your subconscious mind. You can move things with your mind. Relax with a big smile just before you are about to go to sleep. Think about your ‘I want’ list. Tell your subconscious mind to carry them out for you. Remember that your subconscious is your best friend. Your subconscious will always work for you no matter what, even when you are asleep.

Believing is Seeing. Learn to understand the importance of affirmations. Your dream takes time and remember that the Universe hates whiners. Be thankful at what you have. Live with purpose and be confident that you will be able to achieve your ‘I want’ list. You have to believe in order to see. It is like building a house, where you lay one brick every day. Believing is sowing your seeds. Everything takes time. The Universe will not hurry itself to give you the things you want. Keep pressing on even if you miss your timeline. Never become disheartened in life. Add more wants to your list whenever you feel like it. Constantly re-visit your list once in a while.

Think and Thank. Adapt the mental attitude of gratitude as it will serve you well indeed. The more you adapt this attitude, the more good things will happen to you. Be kind to everyone around you. Even if you fail, thank others for the opportunity. Never become bitter after failing. Be grateful for everything. Please continue to be persistent in whatever you do.

You must maintain, through thick and thin, the right attitude of gratitude, even if you do not get what you want. – Michael Samuels

The Land of Enhancement. The Universe does not show favoritism and favours hard work. In return for any business transaction or as a gift, make sure you give something which is useful for the other person. People need to feel the idea of enhancement from you. Give people more of what they want. Be helpful towards others. In life, you can get anything you want if you offer value towards others. Keep your ego in check and do not brag about your achievements.

Give every person more in worth than you take from them. – Michael Samuels

Setback, Schmetback. Naysayers will criticize your dreams. Help others achieve their dreams too. It takes the same effort to continue moving forward as it does to simply give up. Those who lack determination will quit instantly. These are the unmotivated people. Successful people do not make excuses and the Universe will still want to help you succeed. Always do it now. All you have to do is just ask.

Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. For the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grieveances which we endure help us in our marching onward. – Henry Ford

Do not waste any energy thinking that the obstacle will defeat you. You will absolutely find a way over, under, around or through the problem when it arises. – Michael Samuels



Time Management by Hanif Raah (The 24.5 hour day)

Learn Skills and Tips on How to Increase Productivity, Save Time, Organize Your Life and Reach Your Goals Now

Time is finite. We are always short of time. Learn how to use your time optimally. Learn how to work smart and use the most of your time.

What is Time Management? Get more for the effort you put in. Have mastery over your time. Good time management will aid you in every aspect of your life. Your output will increase with good time management. Your energy levels will be at an optimal level too. You will have more time to do other things. Learn to unclutter your mind. Tips: Do not be a perfectionist; Do things for yourself and not to please others; Learn to say ‘no’; Allow buffer time between appointments; Review your to-do lists every day; Stay on schedule and prioritize the items on your list; Write things down and plan; Fit urgent tasks and do them only if they are in your to-do list; write down your life goals.

Time Management Tools You Need. Use SMART goals. WRITE IT DOWN. Have a well-defined action plan. Stay on the path and work towards it, no matter what happens. Your goal should not just be career-related. Your goal should allow you to grow exponentially, intellectually, financially, and personally. Learn to prepare a to-do list. Plan all your waking hours. Do the most unpleasant tasks first. Allow some time for lunch and relaxation. Use apps to track your progress. Your to-do list is important because it will indicate what is urgent/important.

A conducive environment is definitely important. Create an atmosphere for work. Reduce clutter from your environment. File your documents immediately. Write it down and use a planner. Multitasking is anti-productive. It increases stress levels. It is important that you do not multi-task at all. Focus on one deadline at a time, if possible. Switch off all distractions. Switch off your Wi-Fi on your laptop. Stay away from the net and avoid checking your emails too often. Say ‘no’ to friendly chit chat. Minimize distractions. See whether you can delegate any of the tasks on hand. Reward yourself for a job well done, for example, by having a cup of coffee. Do the most difficult task first. Keep strict deadlines for yourself. Take quick breaks after working for an hour. Here are 7 of the greatest time killers: 1) Checking emails; 2) Watching TV; 3) Commuting; 4) Smart Phones; 5) Friendly Chatting; 6) Surfing the Net; 7) Social Media Networks.

The Parkinson’s law states that work will expand to fill the time you allot for its completion. Using this law, try to allot a little less time to the task than you think you would need; not so less that you get stressed out, but just enough to challenge you to do it quicker. – Hanif Raah

Be more efficient. Think about upward and downward delegation. Give clear instructions. Build the competences for those whom are receiving your delegated work. 80% of the result comes from 20% effort.

You will need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Improve your eating habits. Have more fruits, vegetables and fish. Drink plenty of water. Exercising is of paramount importance. Try and invest in a health monitor watch if possible. Never sacrifice your sleep. Ensure that you have no distractions at night. Wake up at the same time every day, even on holidays or weekends. Develop a power nap for greater energy in the afternoon. Take some vitamins and minerals as supplements. Make them for fun and leisure activities. Use your weekend to rest and relax.

You need to have your days challenging enough to make each task interesting, yet workable so you keep going. If your day is packed too loosely, you will lose interest in your work; if your schedule is too tight, it will frustrate you into giving up. – Hanif Raah

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The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People by David Niven

\What Scientists Have Learned And How You Can Use It

Introduction: All I Can Do Is Point and Hope You Look

In life, most things are not inherently good or bad, success or failure etc. Humans like to focus on short term effects of decision making. Point and hope others will look. The book draws ideas from research on happiness. There are a total of 100 simple secrets of happy people.

  1. Your life has purpose and meaning. We are all connected and you are not just born to fill space. If you consider your life to have a purpose, chances are that you will feel happier.
  2. Use a Strategy for happiness. Let yourself be happy. Do things that make you happy. Define what you want and a plan to get it. Be optimistic and think about happy events in your life.
  3. You don’t have to win every time. Being ultra-competitive may lead you to be being unhappy. Setting too high goals and wanting to win may lead to unhappiness.
  4. Your goals should be aligned with one another. Goals must not be in conflict or life will be haywire. Your goals on education, family, career must be consistent. Do not simply trade one off for another.
  5. Choose your comparisons wisely. If you compare with those ahead of you, you will always feel disappointed. Compare with those that will make you feel grateful for what you have.
  6. Cultivate friendships. Rekindle past relationships. Care about others and hope they will reciprocate.

Close relationships, more than personal satisfaction or one’s view of the world as a whole, are the most meaningful factors in happiness. If you feel close to other people, you are four times as likely to feel good about yourself as compared to if you do not feel close to anyone. – Magen, Birenbaum, Pery 1996

  1. Turn off the TV. It is distracting. It might inhibit your ability to carry a conversation. Only watch it if you have a programme that you really like.
  2. Accept yourself – unconditionally. You are everything that you own and your character etc. Learn to accept yourself. Believe in your values.
  3. Remember where you came from. There is comfort in knowing your heritage. It gives you a sense of place in the world. Learn about your past and the culture of your race etc. It is associated with higher life satisfaction.
  4. Limit yourself to thinking about one subject as you lie down to sleep. Only think of one subject at a time. Thinking about too many times will lead you feel stressed. The better the quality of sleep you have, the happier you will be.
  5. Friendship beats money.

The primary components of happiness are the number of friends, closeness of friends, closeness of family, and relationship with co-workers and neighbors. Together these features explain about 70% of personal happiness. – Murray and Peacock, 1996

  1. Have realistic expectations. Value things that are within your grasp. Make things better. Have realistic and attainable goals. Achieving your goals will make you feel good about yourself.
  2. Be open to new ideas. Never stop learning and adapting. Being open to change will lead to happiness levels remaining constant even when circumstances changed.
  3. Share with others how important they are to you. Relationships are built on mutual appreciation. It is good to be vulnerable and tell others that you care.

Research on unemployed adults has found that the length of unemployment was less important to a person’s self-esteem than the amount of social support received from parents, family members and friends. – Lackovic-Grgin and Dekovic

  1. If you’re not sure, guess positively. Give the other person the benefit of the doubt. Try to see the positive in every situation.
  2. Believe in yourself. Have faith and confidence. You can do it.

Across all ages and all groups, a solid belief in one’s own abilities increase life satisfaction by about 30%, and makes us happier both in our home lives and in our work lives. – Myers and Diener 1995

  1. Don’t believe in yourself too much. Be open to criticism and understand that you may make mistakes once in a while. Do not think too highly of yourself. Disagreements may persist if you are too stubborn.
  2. Don’t face your problems alone. Problems can be unsolvable. Learn to share your problems with others. Ask for help if you must. Sharing your problems can make you feel better about yourself.
  3. Age is not to be feared. Senior people often report that they lead serene lives. Revel in age. Older people tend to have less worries in life. Age is unrelated to levels of personal happiness.
  4. Develop a household routine. Set a schedule for your housework chores and it will seem less painful. An orderly schedule will help you. If you have a regular household routine, your life satisfaction will improve by 5%.
  5. Don’t be overprotective. Let your loved ones lead their own life. Do not keep worrying over them. Everything has a risk associated with it. If you shelter your kids too much, they won’t see the experiences of the world for themselves.
  6. Pay Attention. You may have what you want. The human tendency is to always want more. But it is better to be grateful for what you already have.
  7. Don’t let your religious beliefs fade. Religion teaches us to understand that the world is complex and provides some form of clarity. Research has revealed that religious people can lead more fulfilling lives.
  8. Do what you say you were going to do. If you keep breaking promises, you lose credibility.

Nothing kills progress or deadens enthusiasm more than someone who talks but never follow through. It is crucial in both your home life and your work life that you stay focused and committed to whatever you say you will do. – David Niven

  1. Don’t be aggressive with your friends and family. There is nothing to be gained from being adversarial.
  2. Root for the Home Team. Support a home team in your community. You will have something in common. You will have something that binds you with the next person.
  3. Don’t confuse stuff with success. What constitutes a happy life? Write it down. Do not simply live day to day.
  4. Every relationship is different. You may not get along well with everyone. Face it.
  5. Don’t think ‘what if’. It is counterproductive as it is reflection on the past and not the future, per se. Don’t wallow in self-pity.
  6. Volunteer. Give time to help others. You will feel that you are helping others. Volunteering helps to generate happiness and create a purpose in life.
  7. If you can’t reach your goals, your goals will hurt you. Let your goals evolve with your life circumstances. Your goals cannot be incongruent with your abilities.
  8. Exercise. People who exercise enjoy life more. It is proven that exercise increases self-confidence. Brisk walking can increase happiness by 12%.
  9. Little Things Have Big Meanings. Tiny things can communicate volumes. We pay attention to facial expressions. Display sensitivity in communication.
  10. It’s not what happened, it’s how you think about what happened. Your life is based on a judgment. The same event can be viewed positively and negatively.
  11. Develop some common interests with loved ones. Common interests are definitely important.

Each common interest between people in a relationship increases the likelihood of a lasting relationship and results in life satisfaction of about 2 percent. – Chand, 1990

  1. Laugh. Just enjoy the laughter. A little laughter makes for a better employee. Learn to laugh sometimes.
  2. Don’t let your entire life hinge on one element. You can experience joy from other aspects of your life. Learn to diversify. Diversify your hopes as well. Through this, you will be better able to cope the difficulties that life throws at you.
  3. Share of yourself. Don’t hold your feelings back. Be more open and start explaining things to others.
  4. Busy is better than bored. Find something to do.

In studies of college students, those with more demanding schedules were 15% more satisfied with life. Despite the more demanding schedules, the individuals studied did not experience any more stress than those with less to do. – David Niven

  1. Satisfaction is relative. It is relative and depends on what you compare it with. What do you feel about your home life is very important. Everyone usually experiences the same stuff in life. You just need to know which you prefer.
  2. Learn to Use a Computer. It can help bring people together. Self-esteem improves as a result of computer usage.
  3. Try to think less about the people and things that bother you. Don’t ignore them but don’t focus on them. Forgive and let go.
  4. Keep your family close. It is easy to neglect your family. However, it is wiser to maintain good relationships with them. Keep in touch. Family is very important.
  5. Eat some fruit every day. Fruit eaters feel better about themselves. Keep it as a snack and eat more of it. There are both emotional and physical benefits associated with it.
  6. Enjoy what you have. Value what you have. Appreciate what you have in life. Do not always focus on the things you do not have.
  7. Think in Concrete Terms. Your progress must be measurable. What do you mean by you want to be a better worker? Make your goals clear and direct. Think about what you can achieve. Set attainable goals.
  8. Be Socially Supportive. Help those who are in need. You will feel good over your efforts.
  9. Don’t blame yourself. Any situation is the result of things that are in your control. Deal with outcomes. Blaming yourself won’t solve the problem. Do not form negative conclusions on yourself.
  10. Be a Peacemaker. Be their voice of reason and reconciliation. Difficulties must be faced in a peaceful manner.
  11. Cherish animals. The closer we get to them, the more love we receive from them. Dogs can offer unconditional love.
  12. Make your work a calling. See work as an expression of yourself, as a part of you. The work you can do your work well, the more people will like you. Life satisfaction increases a lot if you see work as your calling.
  13. Never trade your morals for your goals. Do not compromise what you believe in.

Being happy and being moral buttress each other. People who feel they lack morals report they are half as likely to feel happy compared to those who feel they are moral. – Garrett 1996

  1. Don’t pretend to ignore things your loved ones do that bother you. Raise your disagreement lovingly and constructively. In a relationship, you need to be freely able to communicate your concerns.
  2. Get a good night’s sleep. Don’t sacrifice sleep. It is very important for your functioning. It pays dividends in every aspect of your life.

Quality and quantity of sleep contributes to health, well-being, and a positive outlook. For those who sleep less than 8 hours, every hour of sleep sacrificed results in an 8% less positive feeling about their day. – Pilcher and Ott, 1998

  1. But what you like. Buy things which you need and can appreciate every day. However, do not place too much emphasis on material goods.
  2. Accomplish something every day. Make sure you are working towards your dreams. Keep moving and you will see progress. Move towards achieving your goals.
  3. Be flexible. Think about what others want too. Spend time together. Be accommodating to the activities which your friends want to go for.
  4. Events are temporary. Bad things might happen. Time will heal wounds, but it takes time. Life is not wins and losses, it’s how you live every day.
  5. Be your own fan. Pick yourself up when you’re down. Michael Jordan didn’t give up. Learn to reinforce your own self-confidence.
  6. Join a Group. People in groups feel more comfortable. They are less lonely and feel more comfortable. In group-work, there is unity. People feel connected to one another.
  7. Be Positive. Be the person who exudes optimism. It be reflected back to you. We gravitate to people with approach life with pleasant expectations. It is your beliefs and attitudes towards what you have that depends your happiness.
  8. There will be an end, but you can be prepared. Think of the things which you might regret not doing and start doing them now. Prepare yourself for your mortality.
  9. How we see the world is more important than how the world is. What is the shape of the world? We are actually looking at this through our own lens.
  10. Keep a pen and paper handy. If you write down your thoughts, you will feel more in control. There are too many ideas running across your head and you might forget some of them.
  11. Help the next person who needs some minor assistance. Pay attention to your surroundings and offer help. Being friendly will make you feel good about yourself. Altruistic activities result in a greater happiness.
  12. Take care not to harshly criticize family and friends. Rely on your close ones for support. Love them for who they are. Always be constructive and not just criticize.
  13. Some people like the big picture, and others like the details. Think in terms of the totality you have achieved. Think about the big picture. Even if you look at the details, you can still find satisfaction.
  14. Do things you are good at. Take on responsibilities where you can excel. If you feel competent at what you are doing, chances are that you will feel happy.
  15. Go visit your neighbour. Neighbours can provide a great source of friendship and make you feel better at home. Most of us don’t talk to our neighbours at all. Community interaction can improve happiness.
  16. Smile. Your smile makes others happy, which in turn makes you happy. Humans tend to mimic those around them.
  17. Don’t accept TV’s picture of the world. It often paints negative perceptions of the world.
  18. You always have a choice. Think of the positive reasons why you go to work. Do not always think you are forced to do things. Sometimes, try it as you are doing this because you value it. If you have a sense of autonomy, it feels much better.
  19. Be agreeable. Make it easy for people to deal with you. If you are in the wrong, be quick to apologize.
  20. Don’t ignore one part of your life. You are happier when pieces in your life are in good shape. Take into consideration your needs and priorities when pursuing your goals.
  21. Listen to Music. Music brings you to different levels. Music has positive effects at any age.
  22. Let Your Goals Guide You. Pursue your goals whole-heartedly. In life, you need a plan and you need follow-through.
  23. Use your job positively. Appreciate what your job gives you. Use your job to show what you can do. Work gives you self-respect.
  24. Don’t forget to have fun. Try to enjoy at least a little every day. It should form an essential part of your day.
  25. Believe in ultimate justice. Good will eventually prevail. Believe in karma. Believing that the world is just will make you happier.
  26. Reminisce. Think of the happy times you did together. Look back at your fond memories.
  27. Be conscientious. Care about what you do and do it well. You will feel good if you do a good job. Have the discipline to be dutiful in your work.
  28. Don’t dwell on unwinnable conflicts. Don’t spend time on things you can’t change for sure.
  29. Enjoy the ordinary. Enjoy what you do every day. Even on regular days, there are things to enjoy. Appreciate the smaller things in life.
  30. Focus not on the world’s tragedies, but on the world’s hope. Have hope for the future. Learn to be a friend to everyone.
  31. Get a hobby. It can be consistent and provide an element of fun. For example, reading can be your hobby. It can be really fun. It can increase life satisfaction by at least 6%.
  32. Envying other people’s relationships is pointless. Do not try to replicate what others have. Instead, build your own support system. Do not compare yourself with others.
  33. Give yourself time to adapt to change. Give yourself time to adjust to new circumstances. It is normal to feel nervous about change.
  34. Focus on what really matters to you. Do not join competitions where you do not want the prize. Let the real goals guide you.
  35. Realize that complete satisfaction does not exist. Strive to improve, but not to be perfect. Perfection can be too far out of reach.
  36. Surround yourself with pleasant aromas. Make your home smell nice. Try aroma therapy. Good smells can reawaken your senses.
  37. Don’t let others set your goals. Think about what you really care about. Set meaningful goals.

People do not have to succeed in absolutely everything they do to feel happy. But, people do have to believe they have maintained control over their own life. – Kean, Van Zandt and Miller, 1996

  1. You are a person, not a stereotype. You are happiest when you can express your personality to the fullest. If you need to cry, just do so. Do not be too concerned over what others think of you.
  2. Know what makes you happy and sad. Know what is causing your unhappiness and how the situation can be rectified. All science is about noticing patterns. Scientists like to see connections. When dealing with emotions, we need to be like scientists and notice patterns.
  3. Keep reading. You can both learn and be entertained by it. Regular readers are about 8% more likely to express daily satisfaction

Those who read books benefit from what they learn and the entertainment they receive. But in addition, they get to exercise their brain, and when they do that, we feel satisfied that we are spending our time wisely. – David Niven

  1. We must feel needed. Those who rely on you feel needed. What sends people into retirement is when they feel they are no longer needed on the job. We still need to feel needed.
  2. Say ‘so what’. Your life is not shaped by the acquaintances you meet.

Sometimes we look at what other people have and we want that instead of thinking about what really and truly motivates us, what we really and truly want and need. Don’t take someone else’s accomplishments as evidence that you are doing anything wrong. – David Niven

  1. Have a purpose. You need to have a purpose.
  2. You have not finished the best part of your life. The older people enjoy their older days of their lives. Be happy now. Live in the present.
  3. Money does not buy happiness. Lottery ticket winners are rarely happy. There are a group of people who try to be minimalists.
  4. What does it all mean? The answers are within you.


The Antidote (Happiness for People Who Can’t Stand Positive Thinking) by Oliver Burkeman

On Trying Too Hard to Be Happy. I was learning about happiness from an orange man who was 83 years old. Most people will say the secret is ‘MOTIVATION’ and ‘SUCCESS’. Cut the impossible out of your life. Positivity matters. Think happy thoughts and banish sad ones. Negative thinking is a no-no. Do you preach the gospel of optimism? People usually get hyped up for motivational talks. I was attending the course as an undercover journalist. Some of the people there were forced to attend after being sent by employers. Dr Schuller removed the word ‘impossible’ from this vocabulary. Not long ago, I read that this church filed from bankruptcy. In modern life, nothing seems to make us happy. Increased income, better education, bigger homes etc. Self-help books haven’t proven to be useful. Some of them are not supported by research. Is the concept of happiness flawed? Religion never placed explicit focus on it. Does aiming for it reduce your chance of attaining it? The definition can also be inconsistent. Sometimes, no effort is the best. Do not try to eliminate negative thoughts. Rather, one should learn to embrace uncertainty, get used to failure, value death etc. Philosophy teaches us to imagine the worst case scenario. Mindfulness is certainly beneficial and teaches people to embrace uncertainty. This is a counterweight to all the motivational talks you will attend. ‘Negative’ can also mean ‘not doing’ or ‘not chasing aggressively’. The author has travelled on a meditation retreat, to the slums etc. During the break in the course, I spoke to a teacher who wanted to find a job and come out of retirement. Daniel Wegner is a professor in psychology and specializes in studying why when we suppress certain thoughts, the problem in fact becomes more prevalent. This effect is known as ‘precisely counterintuitive error’. Humans are not good at metacognition. Metacognition occurs when thought takes itself as an object. You can’t use this on everyday objects. These are in a way instructions on object-level thinking. His research support his findings. Excessive self-monitoring might lead to self-sabotage. Affirmations might not be useful if it clashes with people’s poor opinions of themselves and cause it to be rejected. An affirmation could be like ‘Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.’ George Bush was one of the speakers at the motivational conference. Excessive optimism can lead to financial crisis. One should do the illogical thing instead sometimes.

Try to pose for yourself this task: not to think of a polar bear, and you will see that the cursed thing will come to mind every minute. – Fyodor Dostoevsky

The “negative path” is about rejecting this dichotomy, and seeking instead the happiness that arises through negativity, rather than trying to drown negativity out with relentless good cheer. – Oliver Burkeman

There are lots of ways of being miserable, but there’s only one way of being comfortable, and that is to stop running around after happiness. – Edith Wharton

Bereaved people who make the most effort to avoid feeling grief, research suggests, take the longest to recover from their loss. – Oliver Burkeman

What Would Seneca Do? (The Stoic Art of Confronting the Worst-Case Scenario). The stoics relied on negativity. Humans approach unpleasant experiences very irrationally at times. It involves calm when facing trying circumstances. Things might not be as bad as they seem. Actually no one is listening to you. Some books encourage to perform ‘positive visualization’. This is a form of positive thinking. It helps to go in a job interview with optimism? However, research has shown that why thinking about how well things can do actually reduces people’s motivation. A pure negative visualization isn’t very helpful either. Laertius was one of the first Stoics among the Greeks. The Roman Stoics are Epictetus, Seneca and Marcus Aurelius. They believed that life must be led in accordance to reason. The ideal state of mind is tranquility, and not happiness. It is possible a sense of indifference towards circumstances. Examine negative emotions closely. Why think positively when you know the evidence is against you? The circumstances don’t cause sufferings, it is the beliefs that you hold about them that cause suffering. Even losing a loved one is merely an event. If you are constantly optimistic, you may get shocked when someone bad happens. This might even lead to unhappiness. Understand the hedonic adaption process. When you think about death, you will start appreciating life more. Everything can be taken away from you. Get used to the possibility of bad things happening. Even if you lose a job, it is unlikely that you will starve. Spend a little time imagining how things might go wrong. Try acting like you already for example, lost all your wealth. Pretend to be frugal and see whether you will be as sad as you anticipated. Dr Keith lived in the suburbs and the author visited him. His wife was very ill and Dr Keith had to take care of her. Keith was a tutor of Stoicism in universities. Both Keith and his wife are Stoics. When he was younger, he experienced a strange moment where he thought the Universe connect together somehow. Finally, he embraced Stoicism and found that he liked it. Understand that things are not always in your control. For the stoics, it is important to understand what is in your control and what is not. The only thing we can control are our judgments. Even a verbal insult should do you no harm. If you see a long queue at a supermarket, do not react with frustration. There is nothing you can do about it anyway. Stoicism is useful when you encounter negative feelings or emotions. Start with the small things in life. Things do not have to be awful. Rejection from a girl is far from the absolute disaster that you are fearing. Getting rejection by women is undesirable, but not horrifying or terrible. There is a difference between a terrible outcome and an undesirable one. Even if you were tortured to death slowly, you could always be tortured to death even more slowly. It is important to make the distinction between a terrible outcome and an undesirable one. The author started reciting train stations out loud and realized that no one stared at him.

If you accept that the universe is uncontrollable, you’re going to be a lot less anxious. – Ellis

Do not despise death, but be well content with it, since this too is one of those things which nature wills. – Marcus Aurelius

The Storm Before the Calm (A Buddhist Guide to Not Thinking Positively). In the past, hippies might attempt mediation with LSD. In the past, it was seen as the path to ecstasy. In modern times, it is to achieve a calm like state. Mediation has little to do with the desired state of mind. It has its roots in Buddhism. Humans tend to attach themselves to things. Pain is inevitable, but suffering is optional. Buddhists believe in non-attachment. You should approach circumstances in life without clinging or aversion. The key is to be aware and calm. Why would anyone not want to attach to the good things in life? Like friends? Give up trying to replace unpleasant thoughts. Oedipus was an example why it is not smart to pursue happiness. Trying to fight to eliminate unhappiness is a problem. Fleeing is the problem. Mediation was a good way to stop running away from unpleasant thoughts and emotions. The author also meditated in the forest. The key is to non-judging and to focus on your breathing .Learn to embrace your feelings of being lost. For most of the meditation camp, I was not allowed to speak. I initially found it very difficult to get through the entire week just meditating. Your mind is naturally noisy. Let the clamour be there. View passing thoughts as a spectator, not a participants. Once your mind has strayed, return to your breath. Those who are under mediation can actually tolerate more pain. Bring your attention back to the present. To some, non-attachment might seem to be very passive. Acceptance need not mean resignation. To be honest, more anti-procrastination methods do not work. Motivational advice doesn’t work all the time. You don’t need to feel motivated before you can act. Mediation might teach you something like you can work even if you don’t feel like it. These people also have a very fixed schedule of writing. You don’t need to increase your confidence before asking someone asking out on a date. You can take action without changing our feeling-states. After experiencing a few days of meditation, I realized I could see things from a higher vantage point.

One’s brain is constantly chattering, constantly planning, designing: what it will do, what it has done, the past impinging itself on the present. It is everlasting chattering, chattering, chattering. – Jiddu Krishnamurti

The perfect Stoic adapts his or her thinking so as to remain undisturbed by undesirable circumstances; the perfect Buddhist sees thinking itself as just another set of circumstances, to be non-judgmentally observed. – Oliver Burkeman

Prolific authors and artists tend to emphasize the mechanics of the working process, focusing not on generating the right mood, but on accomplishing certain physical actions, regardless of mood. – Oliver Burkeman

Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work. – Chuck Close

Goal Crazy. Many climbers died near the mountain peak of Mount Everest. They were all worried about what had happened. It was the 1996 disaster and it was inexplicable. What had happened was an outbreak of mass irrationality. There were too many people on the mountain at the time. If you fail to follow the schedule, you need to turn back . The team failed to follow their turnaround times and got into trouble. If you don’t turnaround, your oxygen supply will run out. The climbers were lured in by their passion and were fixated at them. They didn’t want to sacrifice their goals at any cost. They wanted to preserve their sense of identity. The hallmark of a great leader is to set big and ambitious goals. Set clear goals. That’s the problem with business people. Researchers also studied this. The people who climbed were very achievement-oriented. They had little regard for social convention too. To overcome uncertainty, climbers increased emotional investment in their decisions. Goal obsession is not a good thing. Many books tell you it is important to set goals in your life. However, there is no research that shows that goal-setting will lead you to becoming richer. Even if you do not have a goal, you might have specific outcomes about how you want things to be. There is no need to keep planning. Sometimes, you can’t directly control your future. Sometimes, people make decisions just to get rid of the anxiety, despite knowing that it might not be good for you in the long run. Research has also revealed that there are less taxis on the roads when it rains. This was because some drivers had already reached their income goals and stopped driving the taxis in bad weather. Occasionally, clearly define goals will cause others to cheat. When you pursue a goal, it might affect other aspects of your life. When you formulate plans, you exclude some other people from your life. This is the law of unintended consequences. In modern societies, many people are self-deserving and do not care much about others. Shapiro encouraged people to embrace uncertainty and give up goals. Once you achieve your goals, it does not mean that you will be happy. To be successful, you need to improvise and adopt along the way. This is the process known as effectuation. Effectuation means looking at possible ends and use materials at their disposal. Don’t wait for the perfect moment before you act. Rather, start now. Do and then see what happens.

To be a good human is to have a kind of openness to the world. The ethical life is based on a trust in the uncertainty, and on a willingness to be exposed. It’s based on being more like a plant than a jewel: something rather fragile, but whose very particular beauty is inseparable from that fragility. – Martha Nussbaum

Who’s There? (How to Get Over Your Self) Why are you always unhappy? Tolle used to sit in the park for a grand total of 2 years. He felt contented doing that. Later, he spoke about his experiences. He was lucky enough to be endorsed by Oprah later on. ‘The Power of Now’ turned out to be a best-seller. Tolle was essentially saying nothing new but at least he wrote about his experiences. I met Tolle and interviewed him. The self is supposed to be obvious. ‘I think, therefore I am’. We are generally who we take ourselves to be? Can you feel your body in the first place? Are you truly you? The human mind always has perceptions. Humans all have different perceptions and only you can access it yourself. The self is mysterious and might not seem like what it is like. To Tolle, time was an illusion. Do not identify yourself too close to the mind chatter. Insane people can’t keep the mental chatter inaudible to others. Living for yourself won’t make you happy. Do not imagine that you are your thoughts. Ego thrives on the future. You are not your own mind. Rather, try to imagine yourself looking at yourself from afar. If you don’t identify with who you are, you become who you truly are. Live in the present moment. The moment that counts most is now. Is self-esteem a good thing? High self-esteem might lead to arrogance? Giving back usually provides happiness. The inside and outside must go together. It was indeed a valuable conversation with Tolle.

The Safety Catch (The hidden Benefits of Insecurity). It’s the idea of having sky marshals that make flights safer and sometimes not because they are onboard. Humans always desire a feeling of safety and security. We often struggle for things too strenuously. We like the feeling of security. Security might be an illusion. We live a time of unusual insecurity. Feeling secure doesn’t make you safer. You are more likely to be killed in a car crash than the plane you are in crashing. Modern societies have changed us. The key is to try to tolerate insecurity and vulnerability as well. However, being financially secure might not make you happy too. Security is largely an illusion. Rather, we should be vulnerable so that we can experience the full range of reactions around us. You cannot try to be secure when it comes to negative feelings only. Insecurity should be a necessity. Bad experiences may be a good thing. Kibera was a horrible place and it was extremely unhygienic. Happiness is about taking what you have and then using it best. However, the people there were happy. Why are some poor people so happy? One explanation is that they might have lower expectations. Some of them have the thirst for learning. Vulnerability might be a precondition for success and happiness. Learn to face reality and do not think about material possessions that much. Don’t worry about things you don’t have. According to Helen Keller, security was a superstition. Learn to accept that the only constant is change. Humans, however, like stability. There is no point trying to change a fluid Universe. One should try to separate the change from you. Alan Watts has written good pieces of literature on this.

Happiness is subjective. You can be happy in a slum, unhappy in a city. The things you need for happiness aren’t the things you think you need. – Irene Mueni

The Museum of Failure (The Case for Embracing Your Errors). Learn to accept your mistakes. GfK Custom Research acquired many failed products. It was the graveyard. The staff there get paid to usher designers and other executives to look through the failures. The staff likes the work.Every product has a story. It takes incredible courage to be a product developer. The truth was that most products failed. One shouldn’t laugh at the products on offer. Many product developers fail to consider the failures. People who have failed often do not want to share. Failure is everywhere. However, many people like to deny that they have failed. Learn to experience failure. Even evolution is driven by failure. Everyone will have experienced failure at least once in their lives. Many people overestimate their ability to be successful and tend to be overly confident. In research, failure is extremely common. Based on studies, researchers who have failed tend to abandon their experiments and only focus on the successful experiments. And the thing about failures is that people tend to pump in more money than necessary. Failures usually aren’t featured in the news. This is known as the ‘survivorship bias’. Our conversations are mostly about success. One can’t simply focus on successes. Learn to be aware of the survivorship bias. Failure can help bring people together. There is happiness in embracing failure too. It cuts you down to human size. Being a perfectionist will also lead to disappointment. Fixed vs incremental mindset.

Memento Mori (Death as a Way of Life). Death can be terrifying. We often do not think about it as it causes pain. We don’t believe we can die. It is simply not in our minds. Because it is terrifying, we choose not to think about it. Not many believe in an afterlife. Wars represents an immortality project. Humans want to achieve something that lasts. We often evade thoughts of our death. When forced to think about death, moralistic people become more moralistic because they want to leave a lasting impression behind. This is known as mortality salience. In the past, some radical thinkers have suggested that one should be aware of one’s mortality. Positive thinking doesn’t transcend death. There are practical reasons for thinking about death. To most people, death doesn’t seem like a problem. There is actually no risk of accident to one who’s dead. Therefore, there is nothing to worry. Who says that being dead is the problem? Come to understand that there is nothing to fear. Follow the stoics. In death, everything falls apart, leaving only what’s truly important. Mexico has a tradition called memento mori, which encourages reflection on mortality. There is also a day when people celebrate the dead. In Mexico, people joke about death. I visited Mexico during the festival despite being aware of the dangers. The dead were being worshipped. The last death is when there no one alive left to remember you. Imagine you are 80 and ask yourself questions like ‘I wish I’d spent more time on…’ and ‘I wish I’d spent less time on…’.

The most wondrous thing in the world is that although, every day, innumerable creatures go to the abode of Death, still man thinks that he is immortal. – Yudhisthira

Why do you fear the eternal oblivion of death, if you don’t look back with horror at the eternal oblivion before you were born – which, as far as you were concerned, was just as eternal, and just as much an oblivion? – Epicurus


Willpower By Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney

This book seeks to enable you to take charge of your life, teaches you how to be self-disciplined and how willpower can eventually bring you success. Willpower can also be grown and nurtured.

However, intelligence cannot be increased permanently. Self-control can. Willpower is like a muscle, which can be strengthened through repeated use. A lot of non-achievers suffer from a lack of willpower. People often succumb to desires. Modern people were not as strong willed as the Victorians in the past. Modern times tend to focus on do what makes you feel good. People initially thought confidence mattered a lot and that it determines your success. Research proved otherwise. One way to avoid temptations is to distract yourself. The marshmallow experiment has shown that resisting temptations can lead to success in life. Self-control can also predict grades accurately and is a vital strength to key to success in life. Learn to perform goal setting.

Amanda Palmer built character and willpower from being a human statue. The ability to stand still is all in your mind. Exercising willpower like this makes you tired after a while. Willpower can be depleted fast, as shown when the students who ate the radish while looking at the chocolate cake, gave up quickly during the puzzle stage. It is like a muscle, which can be fatigued after long use. If you use too much willpower in the office, your relationship might suffer as you don’t have enough energy to channel to your loved ones. If you try to suppress your emotions, that takes up willpower as well. Ego depletion describes ‘people’s diminished capacity to regulate their thoughts, feelings and actions.’ This also means that the conflict monitoring system in the brain is less able now. Recent experiments suggest that people will over-react when they are ego-depleted. Students experience ego depletion during periods of exams. Money can improve one’s willpower temporarily. Researchers have proven the following: 1) you have a finite amount of willpower that becomes depleted as you use it. 2) You use the same stock of willpower for all manner of tasks. Willpower has 4 types. Control of thoughts. Control of Emotions. Impulse control. Performance Control. Aim to just focus on one project at a time. Don’t overload yourself. Keep to one resolution at a time.

Food containing sugar can give you a temporary boost in brainpower. Energy from food gets converted into simple sugars like glucose. Your body consumes a lot of glucose when you are feeling unwell. People with low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, have problems concentrating and suppressing their emotions. There is also higher tendency for violence. Blood sugar is a key factor when determining the tendency in which criminals commit crimes. On the other hand, diabetics tend to be impulsive, distracted, have problems with alcohol, anxiety, depression etc. Breakfast is key to having a good start to a day. Moral of the story is: no glucose, no willpower. Ego depletion causes the brain to engage in other activities, rather than the one it is currently engaging in. In general though, women have better self-control than men. Solutions one can take include having a good breakfast, having enough rest. Don’t get into arguments before meals. For smokers, don’t try to quit when you are on a diet. In reality, it is better to go for the slow burners, such as proteins or complex carbohydrates. Food with a low glycemic index. ‘When you’re tired, sleep.’ If you shortchange yourself on sleep, it results in a decrease of self-control. Long term sleep deprivation may lead to a higher risk of diabetes.

To get the most out of your willpower, use it to set aside enough time to sleep. You’ll behave better the next day – and sleep more easily the next night. – Roy F. Baumeister & John Tierney

It is important to regulate the goal as well, meaning you know what it takes to get you there. In reality when it comes to goal setting, people worry too much, they get less done, and both their mental and physical health suffers. Avoid conflicting goals at all costs. People who are drug addicts usually like to see the payoff now and set only very short term goals. It is crucial to always have a long term goal in mind. Proximal goals (short term) VS Distal goals (long term). Daily plans lack flexibility and are difficult to execute. In times of war, it is imperative that militaries plan well for them. However, the plan needs to allow for flexibility and improvisation. David Allen was someone who tried a wide variety of jobs in life. He believed in keeping the work desk neat. He used the tickler file 31 folders. One for each day of the month. It reminded you of what is needed to be done on that particular day. The to-do list needs to have very specific actions, such as ‘driving to the jewelry store.’ It has to be specific so that it will not ambiguous and you will procrastinate doing it. Eliminate your monkey mind by coming up with specific goals. The Zeigarnik effect. The Zeigarnik effect ceases to exist once people have a concrete plan. Our unconscious mind is asking our conscious mind to make a plan. Your mind will only stop worrying if you have a concrete plan to execute something in the future to achieve your goals. Do it, delegate it, defer it or drop it. Being very decisive helps a lot.

When you make an agreement with yourself and you don’t keep it, you undermine your own self-trust. You can fool everybody but yourself, and you’re going to pay for that, so you should be aware of the agreements you make. – David Allen

Uncompleted tasks and unmet goals tend to pop into one’s mind. Once the task is completed and the goal is reached, however, this stream of reminders comes to a stop. – The Zeigarnik effect

Eliot Spitzer had a tough time when he was the governor of New York. He engaged a prostitute, even though he was full aware of the consequences. He was an honest and upright man before he was made governor. He suffered from decision fatigue. Whenever you make a decision, it uses up a little of your willpower. Making decisions saps your willpower. Automatic is when the problem is simple and controlled is when the problem is more difficult. There are no such things as a free choice. However, if you like to do a particular thing, making decisions on that will not affect your willpower in the short term. It is much easier to choose something for others. Even for judges, they were biased in the morning and granted more parole cases in the morning as compared to afternoons. This is attributed to them having a good breakfast and not experiencing decision fatigue yet. Judging is hard mental work. When willpower is low, people tend to defer decision making, so as not to lose options. This problem also applies when finding a mate. It is easier to choose when you are not spoilt for choice. ‘Above a certain point, increases in price are not worth the extra gains in quality’. Once decision fatigue affects someone, he will tend to listen to the salesman’s recommendation.

Mint.com’s software helped people to track their personal finances and expenditures. Computers can help make us more self-aware, in this sense. Those who were more self-aware made better decisions and worked harder. Self-awareness is to compare what you see to what it should or might have been. It’s like comparing yourself to a set of standards. Just by looking at the mirror, people were more likely to follow their inner values. Looking at the mirror indeed makes one more self-aware. ‘A small daily task, if it be really daily, will beat the labours of a spasmodic Hercules.’ Anthony Trollope. Don’t make drastic changes, instead, take tiny steps to change things. People care about what others think of them. Hyperopia is a condition when one focuses too much on the future at the expense of the present.

For contentment, apparently, it pays to look at how far you’ve come. To stoke motivation and ambition, focus instead on the road ahead. –  Roy F. Baumeister & John Tierney

‘The more the body suffers, the more the spirit flowers.’ David Blaine. He is self-described endurance artist. He is obsessed with performing feats that require huge willpower. He managed to hold his breath for almost 16 minutes under water. However, in an attempt to beat the world record, he suffered in front of a live audience. He believe that willpower can be trained and developed. Research has shown that practicing emotional control does not strengthen willpower. You need to override bad habits to improve willpower or by diligent self-monitoring. Your willpower doesn’t get depleted so quickly when you train your stamina. The key is trying to change a habitual behaviour. Exercise is a good way to improve both mental and physical stamina. Self-control is pervasive and will enter every aspect of your life. However, David Blaine also succumbed to temptations in his daily life and especially in between stunts.

As long as you were motivated to do some kind of exercise, your overall willpower could improve, at least over the course of the experiment. – Roy F. Baumeister & John Tierney

Getting your brain wired into little goals and achieving them, that helps you achieve the bigger things you shouldn’t be able to do. It’s not just practicing the specific thing. It’s always making things more difficult than they should be, and never falling short, so that you have that extra reserve, that tank, so you know you can always go further than your goal. For me that’s what discipline is. It’s repetition and practice. – David Blaine

Henry Morton Stanley was a great explorer. He explored many parts of Africa. Stanley had an indomitable will. He lost his father at a very young age and his mother taught him about willpower African people were extremely hostile to foreigners, but he managed to overcome all this. ‘hot-cold empathy gap’ is when it is hard to predict what we will be like when the situation is intense and stressful. People usually only plan for pleasant, peaceful situations. When men are in a hot, impassioned state, they were more likely to want to agree to have a threesome, with another guy involved. Only save your willpower for emergencies. Precommitment is one technique. Tell yourself you can’t leave the path, that it is disgraceful or sinful etc. Example, use a firewall on the internet. There are websites which enable to state your goals and if you can’t achieve them, a certain form of punishment will be ‘meted’ out. Setting a penalty for yourself which force you to achieve your goals. If the precommitment is set long enough, it becomes a habit. Stanley shaved the first thing in the morning. He was a very orderly man. Orderly behavior can actually improve self-control. External order and self-control are co-related. Self-control is only required during the period when the habit is formed. Once you make something a habit, you will be able to conserve your willpower. ‘I was not sent into the world to be happy, I was sent for special work.’ Henry Morton Stanley

Often it appeared as though it were wholly useless to struggle against evil, yet there was an infinitesimal improvement in each stage. The character was becoming more and more developed. – Henry Morton Stanley

Eric Clapton was an alcoholic and a drug addict in the past. He liked to binge drink and had suicidal tendencies. It lowers blood glucose and self control. When part of you wants to do something and part of you does not, alcohol will make you do that something. He prayed every morning. He didn’t believe in a God. However, praying did work. The same thing worked for Mary Karr. Alcoholic Anonymous (AA) helps improve self-control. AA is a session for alcoholic. people to get together and share their problems The more meetings you attended, the less likely you will drink. AA seemed to be as good as seeking professional help to quit alcohol. Why?. Members get rewarded for not drinking and can choose a sponsor, who is someone who they are supposed to contact to track their progress. The warehouse effect. The last reason is that AA is socially uplifting. People drink and smoke because of peer pressure. People may be a higher power in your life. It need not be a religious figure, like God. The people who needed to seek help from others were about to quit more easily. Social support can work both ways though. A lack of friends tends to lead to alcohol abuse. Just by relating your past experiences will force you to be more self-aware. If you mention your goals to your friends, it is more likely you will stick to them. Social influence matters a lot. Religious people are less likely to develop bad habits and have better social support groups. They also have better self-control. Religion affects both building willpower and improves monitoring. Religion has the diminishing people’s temptations effect. It requires good discipline for one to follow a religion as it involves attending services, prayers and rules. People who visit churches for other motives will likely not experience better self-control. ‘Hyperbolic discounting’ is when the temptation is right in front of you and you find it very hard to resist. It takes just 1 lapse to establish a long-term pattern. It is important to set a bright line, meaning zero tolerance with no exceptions.

Contrary to popular stereotype, alcohol doesn’t increase your impulse to do stupid or destructive things; instead, it simply removes restraints. – Roy F. Baumeister & John Tierney

Early psychologist believed having better self-esteem could change your life. A lot of people believed the key to success was self-esteem. A lot of parents encouraged their kids to think highly of themselves. Many of those who commit crimes have low self-esteem. From self-esteem to narcissism. Which came from? Good grades led to self-esteem? Or self-esteem led to good grades? Improving an academically weak student’s self-esteem did not make much difference to their grades. Serial rapists have very high self-esteem as well. Children, in general, have very high self-esteem. It might also be hard to get along with someone with high self-esteem. There are two benefits associated with high self-esteem. They are taking initiative and feeling good about yourself. High self-esteem can lead to narcissism, conceit and arrogance. When a problem arises, they tend not to act because they already feel their skills are adequate. Asians tend to have better self-control than the Americans. James Flynn argues that they do not have higher intelligence but are better able to make use of their intelligence. Asians believe more in delayed gratification. You get self-esteem from being praised and rewarded, not by boasting to others or flaunting your wealth/arrogance. Asian parents were more supportive of self-control, rather than self-esteem. You can’t keep letting your children win. They will climb all over you. The speed/consistency of the punishment matters more than the severity of it. You have to do what is right, even though disciplining the child in public might seem awkward. It is very important to lead by example. When the baby cries, sometimes let them be. Then go over and comfort them, then withdraw again. Repeat this until they can sleep in peace at night without disturbing you. Don’t let them think they can get their way just by crying. Set house rules like using colored rings, whereby one ring for a good deed entities the kid to 15 minutes of play. It is very important to understand the importance of saving. It is important to set rules and be consistent. Once the child is ready, let them set the rules. Both genetics and the environment played a part. Those children whose fathers’ voluntarily left the home were even less likely to succeed in life as compared to those whose fathers’ left due to other reasons, like work.

Success is conditional – but it’s within your reach as long as you have the discipline to try, try again. – Roy F. Baumeister & John Tierney

Everybody wants flat abs. If you want to lose weight, do the following 1) Never go on a diet; 2) Never vow to give up chocolate or any other food; 3) Whether you’re judging yourself or judging others, never equate being overweight with having weak willpower. Dieting and self-control are not strongly correlated. Exercise alone isn’t enough to ensure weight loss. Dieting is much harder. Your body will fight against it. And once you had food readily available, you will become fat again. Instead of going on a diet, take gradual changes to ensure long term effects. Set realistic goals. People usually set unrealistic goals. ‘Diets work at first but fail miserably in the long run.’ Self-control can fail when it comes to weight control. What-the-hell effect. Once you bust your calorie intake for the day, you have failed and will just continue eating. Your body knows what is the optimal amount of food you should eat. Diets rely more on external cues, not internal ones. Obese people were in fact more likely to go on diets. However, once you fail to follow to the plan strictly, you are screwed. Suppressing your feelings while in the cinema tends to cause you to overeat later. Dieters are trapped in this cycle. This the nutritional catch-22. ‘In order not to eat, a dieter needs willpower. In order to have willpower, a dieter needs to eat.’ Other ways of fighting the flab include precommitment. Keep the sweet food out of reach and out of sight. Brush your teeth early in the night is one way. There are websites where you can set penalties for yourselves if you fail to hit certain targets. Try to switch to automatic thinking. Whenever you think of sweet food, put on your running shoes, for instance. Constant monitoring like weighing yourself will help a lot in weight loss. Buy smaller plates and thin glasses at home. Avoid snacking when watching a movie. Simply by telling yourself you can eat something later is a way of ‘satisfying’ your craving now. When it comes to desserts, tell yourself that you can have it later. Never say never to nice food. Just say you will be able to have it tomorrow.

‘The best way to reduce stress in your life is to stop screwing up.’ People with good self-control need to resist to temptations less. This is ironic. The explanation is that people like that know how to keep their lives in order so as to minimize conflicts. Don’t procrastinate. That is the key. It is extremely common to procrastinate. The problem stems from impulsiveness. Men face more of this problem than women. When faced with a difficult task, men tend to be impulsive and do something else to make themselves feel good. It is not good to work under tight deadlines as your performance suffers. It seems like from research, procrastinators are healthier, but they suffer more in terms of grades. Every decision you make requires willpower and it will make you feel tired. How to sense for ego depletion? Once depleted, you will be liable to make mistakes. Force yourself to think long term and write down your decision steps. If you need to think very hard, remember to eat first. This includes an exercise regime, picking up a new skill etc. Pick the right battles in your life. Do self-reflection at least once a year. Use it to track your progress of goals. Don’t be too ambitious. Set yourself tight deadlines if you know you have the ability to achieve them. ‘Make a to-do list’ with a specific plan. To avoid the planning fallacy of being overly ambitious, think back to your past. Even if you are working on your goal, don’t forget to exercise and take care of your hygiene. Ensure adequate sleep. Change a bad routine. Try to delay your gratification. Monitor your goals frequently. Give yourself rewards as they will continue to motivate you. Research has shown that people with willpower are more altruistic and more willing to help others.

The secret of my incredible energy and efficiency in getting work done is a simple one. The psychological principle is that anyone can do any amount of work, provided it isn’t the work he is supposed to be doing at that moment. – Robert Benchley

Write or nothing. It’s the same principle as keeping order in a school. If you make the pupils behave, they will learn something just to keep from being bored. I find it works. Two very simple rules, a) you don’t have to write, b) you can’t do anything else. The rest comes of itself. – Raymond Chandler




23 Anti-Procrastination Habits by S.J. Scott

Everyone is guilty of procrastinating. Don’t let it impede your life and your goals. This book will provide daily tips on how to overcome it. Habits can be good or die and they define us. Every habit is formed in the same manner and through repetition. When something conflicts with your habits, you tend to procrastinate. Do not fight it. Rather, replace it with good routines in your life. Make it a habit. Understand why you are procrastinating.

Seven Excuses you might have for procrastinating. 1) It doesn’t matter. Learn to make hard decisions in your life. 2) I need to do ______ first. Break the project down into a series of small steps. 3) I need more information to get started. 4) I feel overwhelmed and have too much to do. Focus on the important tasks first. 5) I don’t have time right now. 6) I keep forgetting to do it. 7) I don’t feel like doing it. Most problems are bullshit. This book will discuss anti-procrastination habits.

APH 1: Use the 80/20 rule to make decisions. 80% of results must come from 20% of effort. Focus on actions that have a big result. Ignore the rest. Write down your tasks on a piece of paper. Do it for work and your personal life. Never let others’ priorities be your own. Convince your boss on the activities that will add more value. Focus on the important activities and pass the unimportant ones to someone else. Don’t add new tasks, instead, substitute non-valuing adding ones.

APH 2: Relate every action to a SMART goal. Relate every task to a goal. It should fit in to your long term plans. Create a framework like SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound. Who, what, where, when, which, why. The goal has to be challenging as well. There are two type of goals: 1) performance goals; 2) Outcome goal. Performance goals are better as they focus more on the process.

APH 3: Capture your ideas. The Zeigarnick effect: an incomplete task will occupy your mind until you do it or devise a plan to do it. The key is to always write down your thoughts. Once you write it down, it will not haunt your mind. Evernote is a create tool that can be used too.

APH 4: Create a 43 folder system. 12 folders for each month, 31 folders for each month. You will write down the tasks that need to be done and review them. Use a weekly review system to run through them.

APH 5: Create Project Lists. The task needs to be clearly defined!. Break down huge tasks into manageable portions. Use a separate sheet for each project.

APH 6: Create checklists for everything. For regular tasks, it makes sense to use a checklist. Create a systematic checklist for routine tasks. Creating a checklist will leave out the guesswork and leave no room for ambiguity.

APH 7: Batch Similar Routine Tasks. Use the simple tasks together each day. Create small wins so that you will be motivated during the day to write.

APH 8: Single-handle Processes and Tasks. Only read something when you are ready to take action on them. Finish one task before starting another.

When we get overwhelmed, we often use multitasking to get back on track. It often causes more problems than it solves. Usually when you split your attention, you’re giving half the effort and producing half the results. The solution is to develop ‘single-handling’ activities. – S.J. Scott

APH 9: Schedule a Weekly Review. When you are reviewing the next week, ask 3 questions: 1) What are my personal obligations? 2) What are my priority projects? 3) How much time do I have? Track your time taken for different tasks. Schedule Project Tasks. Process Captured Ideas. See whether the idea is actionable. If it is, just do it now, no need to plan.

APH 10: Do a Monthly Review. Review your SMART goals. Identify potential new projects. Create project lists. Ask 80/20 questions.

APH 11: Say ‘No’ to Low Priority Activities. Identify the mandatory tasks. Do not say ‘no’ to them. If someone doesn’t match your outcomes or goals, say ‘no’. Honesty is the best policy.

APH 12: Track your progress and successes. Without progress, you will eventually lose motivation. Tracking provides motivation to do something. Learn from previous experiences.

APH 13: Start Your Day with MITs. Do those most important tasks first thing in the morning.

APH 14: Prioritize using the ABCDE method. Make time to do something, not find time. ‘A’ tasks are mandatory; ‘B’ tasks are important; ‘C’ tasks are nice to do; ‘D’ tasks can be delegated; ‘E’ tasks shall be eliminated.

APH 15: Create a Sense of Urgency. Parkinson’s Law: The time it takes to complete a task directly correlates to how much time you give it. Set yourself tight deadlines. Use time-blocking techniques. During a block of time, only do that task and do nothing else. Pomodoro technique – work on a task for 25 minutes, break for 5 minutes.

APH 16: Become Publicly Accountable. The Hawthorne Effect: It has been proven that people are more likely to complete a task if they feel like their actions are being observed by others. Being accountable means you can receive feedback from others.

APH 17: Start exceedingly small. Often, we don’t start a goal because it might seem insurmountable. If you haven’t run for a long time, start off with a short distance. But repeat it daily and slowly increase the distance.

APH 18: Reward Yourself. Punishment is not an effective long-term motivation strategy. Rather, rewards are more lasting. Reading can be used as a reward for a long day of work.

APH 19: Develop Project-Based Skills. You can consider delegating something you don’t know how to do. Or you educate yourself on how to do it. 1) Identify the Specific Skill; 2) Focus on one Skill; 3) Get an education; 4) Create a step-by-step plan; 5) Synthesize your notes; 6) Take daily action.

APH 20: Get Secondhand Motivation. Listen to motivational talks or speaker during the day. Examples are TED talks and podcasts. Download the Stitcher Radio app.

APH 21: Practice Visualisation Techniques

APH 22: Be Patient with the Process. Results don’t appear overnight. Make small improvements each time. Build and celebrate small wins.

APH 23: Take the 30 day challenge. It takes about 21 days for a new habit to be formed.
